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作  者: ;

机构地区: 佛山科学技术学院

出  处: 《地理科学》 2009年第6期929-937,共9页

摘  要: 明以来佛山逐渐形成八图土著宗族文化景观和侨寓宗族文化景观并存的格局,对佛山城市空间发展产生影响。通过从古地图和文献中提取历史时期基本空间数据和祠堂等文化景观地理信息,建立佛山历史GIS数据库。以此为基础,通过景观复原、地图再现、空间分析和景观分析等方法,以祠堂景观为视角,解读明至民国初期佛山宗族文化景观时空演变及其所意涵的社会文化空间意义。结果表明:①宋元时期祠堂主要集中在佛山南部大塘涌沿岸,反映出宋代涌入佛山的移民早期多定居在南部;②明代佛山镇祠堂数量急增,表现出聚落空间由南部向中部扩展的趋势,祠堂景观基本形成了以南部的锦澜、东头、栅下铺和中部的祖庙、黄伞铺为中心的空间格局;③清以后丰司堂景观总体空间格局没有大变化,但八图土著宗族内部产生的裂变促使土著祠堂景观发生空间扩散。土著祠堂与侨寓祠堂景观空间上既互补又相互混杂,说明随着侨寓的大量进入,土著传统血缘空间被打破,地缘、业缘等因素增强,这正适应了佛山城市化发展的大趋势. Since the Ming Dynasty, co-existence of two types of clan cultural landscape, eight Tu aboriginal clan cultural landscape and immigrant clan cultural landscape, has gradually formed in Foshan and influenced the development of urban spaces in Foshan. The paper, by extracting geographical information on cultural landscape such as the ancestral halls and basic spatial data of different historical periods from ancient maps and historical literature, establishes a historical GIS database for Foshan. Based on it and a review of historical literature, the paper takes the perspective of the ancestral halls in the interpretation of soeio-cultural spatial meanings connoted in the temporal-spatial changes occurred in clan cultural landscape in Foshan from the Ming Dynasty to early Republic of China by the means of landscape reconstruction, map revisualization, spatial analysis and landscape analysis. The paper finds that : ( 1 ) most of the ancestral halls during the Song and Yuan Dynasties were concen- trated along the shores of Datangchong , south of Foshan, which indicates that immigrants pouring into Foshan in the Song Dynasty were usually settled down at first in the southern part ; (2) ancestral hails in Foshan in the Ming Dynasty increased quickly in number and displayed a south-to-centre tendency in the expansion of gathering space, which resulted in the primary spatial patterns of the ancestral hall landscape, with Jinlan, Dongtou, Shanxia Pu in the south and Zumiao, Huangsan Pu in the centre;(3)since the Qing Dynasty, there has seen little change in the general spatial patterns of the ancestral hall landscape, though cracks from the inside of eight Tu aboriginal clans sped up the expansion of the ancestral hall landscape of the aboriginal clans in space; the phenomenon of the spatial complementation and alternation in the ancestral hall landscape of the aborigines and of the immigrants illustrates that with the entrance of a large number of immigrants, the traditional blood tie space was broken and g

关 键 词: 宗族文化景观 祠堂 佛山 历史GIS 社会文化空间

分 类 号: [P208 G07]

领  域: [] []


