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作  者: ;

机构地区: 佛山科学技术学院

出  处: 《地理研究》 2009年第6期1550-1561,共12页

摘  要: 明代以来佛山的民间信仰迅速发展,神庙系统庞杂,既有广府民系的属性,又反映出商品经济高度发达的特征,对佛山城市发展产生了影响。从古地图和文献中提取历史时期基本空间数据和神庙等文化景观地理信息,建立佛山历史GIS数据库。通过景观复原、地图再现、空间分析和景观分析等方法,以神庙景观为视角,研究表明:明代至民国初年,神庙景观基本上以祖庙铺和明心铺及其周围地带为核心,呈自南向北逐渐扩展的分布总趋势,并与佛山城市社会空间发展相一致,逐渐形成了以佛山祖庙为中心的北帝信仰文化景观的核心地位。通过对北帝巡游路径空间的解读,反映出佛山民间信仰场域的构成,以北帝信仰为纽带,形成了以祖庙为中心的“中心—四方”空间形式,整合了佛山的城市社会文化空间。 Folk religion in Foshan was a prominent phenomenon in this historical period and influenced Foshan's development of urban space. The paper establishes a GIS database for the history of Foshan by extracting basic spatial data in this historical period and information about cultural landscape like temples from ancient maps and relevant literature. Based on the database, the paper analyzes the temporal and spatial changes in cultural landscape of folk religions in Foshan and the socio-cultural spatial meanings connoted by them. Resuits of the analysis indicate that. (1) During this period, temples as a landscape reached its peak both in number and complexity, featured by Guang-fu clans in the Pearl River Delta, and represented features of a highly developed commercial economy; (2) From the Ming Dynasty to early stage of the Republic of China, the landscape of temples was centered around Zu-miao Pu, Ming-xin Pu and their surrounding areas, displaying a south-tonorth expanding tendency in spatial distribution, which showed its correspondence in Fos- han's development of urban social space; (3) Cultural landscapes for folk belief in Beidi, with its core in Zu-miao Temple of Foshan (Ling-ying Temple), occupied a significant position. The interpretation of the space of Beidi's tour path uncovers the constitution of the fields of folk religions in Foshan, which, bridged by folk belief in Beidi and centering on Zu-miao Temple, finalized a center-to-four-corners spatial form and integrated the urban socio-cultural space in Foshan.

关 键 词: 民间信仰文化景观 神庙 佛山 历史GIS 社会文化空间

分 类 号: [P315.72 G07]

领  域: [] []


