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作  者: ;

机构地区: 佛山科学技术学院

出  处: 《地理科学进展》 2015年第4期505-516,共12页

摘  要: 在全球化深入发展的今天,都市怀旧消费风潮已渗透至社会文化生活诸多领域。许多怀旧餐厅也应运而生,形成以城市怀旧为主题的特殊消费空间和文化空间。全球与地方在消费文化转化中相互促进,地方文化形态正在发生变化,不同怀旧消费空间的地方建构是否存在差异?本文选择广州太平馆、巴打怀旧茶餐厅两个不同特点的怀旧餐厅为案例,通过参与式观察、深度访谈、问卷调查和文本分析等研究方法,收集相关媒体报道和网上讨论作为研究的文本资料。从物质空间和情感空间两个方面对比分析了怀旧餐厅的地方建构和认同。研究表明,透过记忆的呈现和展示,记忆凝视下的传统再造和怀旧消费导向下的再造传统都是适应全球文化潮流过程中不同的消费物质空间建构形式。从消费者角度来看,怀旧地方又是其情感空间的建构和地方记忆的再生产,表现在地方依恋和地方认同等方面。由于怀旧地方建构中'真实地方'和'构想地方'交集的差异,其地方认同感也存在不同,在很大程度上受到地方根植性、市场机制和后现代消费特征等因素的影响。本文有助于从新文化地理学视角理解怀旧消费空间的地方建构,对指导怀旧消费空间生产和实践有积极的现实意义。 The fashion of urban nostalgic consumption has penetrated into many a field of the socio-cultural life.A great number of nostalgic restaurants have emerged out of the trend, producing urban nostalgia-themed special spaces of consumption and culture. With the interplay between global and local consumptive cultures, the form of local cultures has been constantly changing. As a result of this change, it becomes more urgent to explore the differences existing in the local construction of various spaces of nostalgic consumption. This research selected two distinctive local restaurants, Tai Ping Koon Restaurant and Brothers Nostalgic Café, as objects for the case study. Based on qualitative research methods including participant observation, in-depth interview, questionnaire survey, and text analysis with a collection of media reports and internet discussion data, this article analyzes the local construction of nostalgic restaurants and place identity from the dimensions of material and emotional spaces. The findings include:(1) Through the presentation and performance of memory, either the re-making of traditions under the gaze of memory(the case of Tai Ping Koon Restaurant) or the traditional re-making under the orientation of nostalgic consumption(the case of Brothers Nostalgic Café) should be seen as constructed forms of the materialized space of consumption in view of adapting to the prevalence of global culture. This, to some extent, feeds back into Zukin's view about restaurant as an integration of globalization and localization.(2) It is the consumers who have shaped the emotional spaces for place of nostalgia and made sense of place identity. As constructed 'imagined place,' spaces of nostalgic consumption are different from the 'authentic place' and the construction of emotional spaces for both of them also varies, being influenced to a great extent by factors such as place embeddedness.(3) The evolvement of spaces of nostalgic consumption is under the influence of the dynamics of the locality, the marketin

关 键 词: 怀旧消费空间 地方建构 地方认同 怀旧餐厅

分 类 号: [F719.3]

领  域: []


