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作  者: ;

机构地区: 佛山科学技术学院

出  处: 《厦门大学学报:哲学社会科学版》 2012年第5期35-42,共8页

摘  要: 传统民主理论的一大困境在于多数主义不能解决偏好冲突问题而达成共识,社会选择理论更是认为个体选择的理性会导致集体选择的不理性,以此证明民主共识的不可能性,而协商民主理论为解决多元偏好冲突提供了路径。协商民主主张通过主体间的互信合作、协商的公共精神、协商的开放性与动态性来整合偏好冲突而实现理性推动的共识。协商民主的这种思路为我国社会主义民主政治建设提供了新视野。 A great dilemma of traditional democracy theory is that the majority cannot transfer preference conflict to consensus. The rational choice theory tries to prove that individual rationality can induce collective choice irrationality, and declares that democracy is impossible. But deliberative democracy provides a path choice to integrate conflicting individual preference to rational consensus by full intersubjective deliberation and cooperation, public spirit, and openness and dy- namic in the deliberation procedure. The thought of resolving multiple preference conflict in deliberative democracy brings new vision to building Chinese socialist democracy.

关 键 词: 协商民主 多元偏好 民主共识

分 类 号: [D035-01]

领  域: []


