作 者: ;
机构地区: 佛山科学技术学院
出 处: 《东南亚研究》 2012年第4期33-38,共6页
摘 要: 缅甸军政府的转型出于国内外压力。转型后的文官政府在政治体制上有民主化变革;在行政人事上实行文官主导、军人公务员并存的体制;在中央与地方关系上扩大了民族自治权;在宗教治理上延续了对佛教的控制;保留了军人的主导作用。缅甸文官政府政治前景不容乐观,但其对民主制度的规定与对合法性的追求,也为民主政治的发展提供了契机。 The political transition of Myanmar based on the pressures at home and abroad it faced. There are some new features in the civilian government: the political system is more democratic; the government is led by the civil officials with the military official coexistence; the minorities obtain more autonomic powers; Buddhism is still pre- vented from involving in politics ; military junta still reserves crucial political influence. The politics prospect in My-anmar looks gloomy, but the regulation of democratic constitution and the civilian government's pursuit of political legitimacy also provide some opportunities to develop democracy.
分 类 号: [D733.7]
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