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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东金融学院

出  处: 《中国人力资源开发》 2015年第20期85-91,98共8页

摘  要: 保险营销员从业的前提是与保险公司签订《保险代理合同》,双方形成法律上的委托代理关系。然而,在实践中,保险公司却对保险营销员实行员工制管理模式,双方关系呈现为代理关系与劳动雇佣关系交错混杂的状态,本质上是一种披着代理关系“外衣”的“雇佣关系”。本文称之为“代理式雇佣关系”。这种关系的混沌性、暧昧性,带来许多负面影响,其形成原因来自法律、市场、人员素质等多方面因素。为规制保险营销员与保险公司之间的关系,促进保险业长期健康发展,应该借鉴台湾经验,在保险业建立“代理关系与雇佣关系双轨运行转换机制”。 The premise for an insurance salesman to begin his business is to sign Insurance Agent Contract with an insurance company. Thus, agency relationship comes into being for the two parties. However, the insurance company puts employee management mode into practice to insurance salesmen. The mutual relationship takes on a mixed look with agency relationship and labor employed relationship, which is essentially employmant relationship with a coat of agency, named Agent Employment Relationship by the authors. The chaotic and blurry character brings much negative impact, which comes from many factors including law, market and staff quality. To regulate the relationship between insurance company and insurance salesmen, for the long-term development of insurance industry, agency relation and employment relation double-track transferring system should be set up by the use of Taiwan experience.

关 键 词: 保险营销员 保险公司 代理式雇佣关系

分 类 号: [F249.214]

领  域: []


