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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东金融学院

出  处: 《征信》 2015年第4期27-31,共5页

摘  要: 信用管理服务市场作为社会信用体系的重要组成部分,是守信激励、失信惩戒机制发挥作用的重要载体。广东省信用管理服务市场发展取得了一定成效,但信用管理服务需求尚显不足,信用管理服务机构影响力有限,信用管理服务产品供给不足,市场监管需要加强。因此,信用管理服务市场的培育和发展需要多管齐下。既需要创造市场需求,又需要通过培育和引进信用管理服务机构及从业人员改善供给,还需要制定好市场游戏规则。 As an important part of the social credit system, credit management services market is an important carri-er for playing the role of credibility incentive & discredit disciplinary mechanism.Certain results have been achieved in Guangdong Province in terms with the development of credit management services market.However, the demand for credit management service is insufficient, the impact of credit management services is limited, the supply of credit management service products is insufficient; market regulation needs to be strengthened.Therefore, the culti-vation and development of the credit management services market needs efforts from multi levels, not only creating market demand, but also improving supply by cultivating and introducing institutions and practitioners of credit man-agement services, and market game rules as well.

关 键 词: 信用管理 服务市场 信用体系 服务机构 市场监管

分 类 号: [F723.8 F820.4]

领  域: [] []


