作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东金融学院
出 处: 《改革》 2012年第10期116-123,共8页
摘 要: 从企业内部的视角入手,通过类比推理的方法提出纺织服装企业生存状态评价原始指标体系,并采用我国A股市场上市的纺织服装板块的公司数据,运用主成分分析法建立新的企业生存状态评价指标体系。在此基础上,通过计算得出企业生存状态各因子及其权重,进而构建生存状态评价综合模型。结果表明,企业的规模实力因子对企业生存状态的影响最大,企业的创新能力因子和经营稳健性因子对企业生存状态呈正向影响。 This paper uses analogical reasoning; from the enterprise internal perspective put forward the original index system to evaluate the textile enterprise survival status. Then based on Chinese A-share market listed companies data of the textile sector, the author uses principal component analyze method to establish a new enterprise survival status evaluation index system. Based on these studies, the author calculated enterprise survival status of each factor and its weight, and constructed the enterprise survival state comprehensive evaluation model. The results show that the scale and strength of enterprises is the biggest influencing factors, and the innovation and operating stability are also the positive factors of enterprises' survival status.
分 类 号: [F279.246]
领 域: []