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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东金融学院

出  处: 《行政与法》 2017年第5期114-120,共7页

摘  要: 进入21世纪以来,经济全球化和区域经济一体化已成为当今世界发展的两大潮流,其所涉及的不仅是经济问题、国际关系问题,更是法律问题。中国—东盟自由贸易区(CAFTA)的成立,标志着一个完全由发展中国家组成的经济自由贸易区的诞生。将CAFTA争端解决机制与WTO及其他区域争端解决机制进行比较分析,总结CAFTA争端解决机制的特点,探讨CAFTA争端解决机制设计考量因素,揭示CAFTA争端解决机制的特有价值,有利于中国与东盟各成员国在发生争端时迅速寻找到妥善的争端处理方法。 Since entering in twenty-first century,economic g lobalization and regional economic integration have become the two major trends in the world today,which involve not only economic issues,international relations,but also legal is- sues.The establishment of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area (CAFTA),marks the birth of an economic free trade zone that is entirely developed countries.To compare the CAFTA dispute settlement mechanism with the WTO and other re- gional dispute settlement mechanisms,to sum up the characteristics of CAFTA dispute settlement mechanism,to explore the design considerations of CAFTA dispute settlement mechanism,to reveal the unique value of CAFTA dispute settle- ment mechanism,will help China and ASEAN member countries quickly find proper settlement of disputes in the course of disputes.

关 键 词: CAFTA 争端解决机制 经济自由贸易区 比较研究

分 类 号: [D996.1]

领  域: []


