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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东南华工商职业学院

出  处: 《教育理论与实践》 2017年第27期47-49,共3页

摘  要: 学前教育本科专业课程行动学习的核心理念是基于任务的小组学习、系统的学习时空拓展、结构性质疑与反思、教师成为课程领导者。开展“幼儿园课程”行动学习,要确立立体化的课程目标,厘定单元式的课程内容,开展合作化小组学习,实施多主体与发展性课程评价。 The core idea of the action learning of undergraduate professional courses in preschool education in- eludes group learning based on task, systematic expansion in learning time and space, structured questioning and re- flection and teachers as course leader. To carry out the action leaning of "kindergarten course", we should establish the three-dimensional course target, set the unit-based course content, and implement the cooperative group learning and the multi-subject and developmental course evaluation.

关 键 词: 高师学前教育本科专业 行动学习 “幼儿园课程” 课程领导者

分 类 号: [G659.21]

领  域: []


