作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东轻工职业技术学院
出 处: 《高教学刊》 2015年第13期13-15,共3页
摘 要: 高校思政课程性质决定了在创新创业教育中具有重要功能定位。但当前高校思政课教学中开展创新创业教育工作存在理论研究不足、师生高度共识不足和缺乏顶层设计意识等问题。因此,探讨从思政课课程群、思政课理论教学、思政课实践教学、思政课教材修订、思政教师素质能力、思政教学保障机制等六方面开展创新创业教育导向下高校思政课教学整体设计改革是富有理论和实践意义的。 The character of the ideological and political teaching is the key element that make the ideological and political class has very important function in the innovation and enterprise education. At the moment there are a lots of problems in this teaching class so we investigate six aspects of the ideological and political education such as the curriculum group, the educational practices, the edition of the text, the teacher's quality and the guarantee of the teaching. This design and reformation in the ideological and political education is meaningful.
分 类 号: [G642]
领 域: []