作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东轻工职业技术学院
出 处: 《包装工程》 2010年第8期84-86,共3页
摘 要: 以认识论的主客体关系为启示,从哲学的角度论述互动展示中的主体和客体,并分析了互动展示活动中各要素的作用及相互关系,继而总结出主办方需要理解观众,并与观众形成平等交流的关系。 Inspired by the relations between subject and object of epistemological,from a philosophical perspective on an interactive display in the subject and object,analyzed the role and mutual relations of elements in the interactive exhibition and concluded that the organizers needed to understand the audience,providing a kind of equal exchange.
分 类 号: [J525.9]
领 域: []