作 者: ;
机构地区: 江门职业技术学院
出 处: 《改革与战略》 2016年第8期86-91,共6页
摘 要: 珠三角地区要建设成为世界先进制造业基地,离不开物流业的重要支撑。珠三角地区物流业发展对整个区域经济发展起着基础性的作用,区域物流与区域经济发展之间存在着协同效应。文章运用计量经济学中边际与弹性理论,测度区域经济物流弹性,分析珠三角地区区域经济与区域物流的协同关系。珠三角地区区域物流与区域经济的协同发展,要构建设物流产业政策体系,完善产业基础建设,推动制造业与物流业联动发展,完善城市群配送体系。 The pearl river delta region is to build a world advanced manufacturing base, a key support to the logistics industry is needed. Development of logistics industry in the pearl river delta region of the entire regional economic development plays a fundamental role, between regional logistics and regional economic development there is a synergistic effect. The article on the basis of the theory of marginal in Econometrics and elastic, measure the regional economic logistics flexibility, analysis of the pearl river delta regional economy and regional logistics coordination relations. The pearl river delta regional logistics and regional economic coordinated development, to construct logistics industry policy system construction, improve the industrial infrastructure, promote manufacturing and logistics industry linkage development, improve the urban distribution system.
分 类 号: [F061.5]
领 域: []