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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州医科大学

出  处: 《中国卫生事业管理》 2020年第1期58-61,共4页

摘  要: 目的:通过对广州市市属7家住院医师规范化培训(简称“住培”)基地住培医师及带教老师的问卷调查,分析广州市住培制度运行过程中存在的问题,并有针对性地提出具体建议。方法:通过问卷调查方法,获取相关数据,并对数据进行统计分析。结果:住培医师问卷分析:住培医师没有归属感;住培医师外出学习机会少;基地对培训过程不重视;就业指导不足,培训后就业难。带教老师问卷分析:住培医师水平参差不齐;带教老师缺乏学习交流机会;带教任务重,带教薪酬不公平不合理;考核体系不健全,考核缺乏统一标准。结论与建议:增加人文关怀,提升住培医师归属感;严控住培医师招录标准,保证培训质量同质化;增加住培医师和带教老师的外出学习与交流机会;全员重视培训过程,强化培训后的就业管理;建立并完善带教薪酬制度,提高带教老师积极性;健全考核体系,规范管理,统一考核标准。 Objective To study the problems of standardized training of residents in Guangzhou,and put forward suggestions for improving it.Methods Samples were surveyed with questionnaires.Data was obtained and statistically analyzed.Results In view of residents,the problems of standardized training include absence of sense of belonging,insufficient opportunities for cultivation,indifference of training process and insufficient employment guidance from training centers.In view of training teachers,the problems of standardized training include residents*inconsistent level,few opportunities for learning and exchange,heavy task of teaching,unfair and unreasonable salary,imperfect assessment system and inconsistent assessment standards for training teachers.Conclusion It is suggested to strengthen humanistic care,improve the residents’sense of belonging,strictly control the admission criteria of residents to ensure the homogenization of training quality,increase the opportunities for study and exchange for residents and teachers,value the training process,intensify the employment management after training,establish and improve the teaching remuneration system,improve the assessment system,standardize management and unify assessment criteria.

关 键 词: 住院医师规范化培训 问题 建议 广州市

分 类 号: [R197]

领  域: []


