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作  者: ;

机构地区: 南方医科大学

出  处: 《中国医学伦理学》 2018年第8期1073-1076,共4页

摘  要: 医学生职业认同是医学生职业价值观形成的重要基础。当前,从医患关系和谐发展的时代要求出发,通过挖掘传统工匠精神与医学精神的内在关联,结合医学生职业认同教育的现状及问题,探求工匠精神与医学生职业认同教育的融合路径,用工匠精神中丰富的文化内涵和医学职业精神,厚植医学生的职业认同感,培育医学生“道技合一”“赤诚济世”的职业素养,增强医学生对医学职业荣誉感、使命感、责任感的认同。这对解决医患关系紧张的难题,重建社会对医生职业的信任和尊重,落实健康中国战略都具有深远的意义与独特的价值。 The professional identity of medical students is an important basis for the formation of professional values of medical students. At present, starting from the era requirement of harmonious development of doctor - pa- tient relationship, through excavating the internal correlation between traditional craftsman spirit and medical spirit, combined with the current status and problems of professional identity education among medical students, this paper explored the integration path between craftsman spirit and professional identity education among medical students It should use the rich cuhural connotation and medical professional spirit in craftsman spirit to nurture professional identity of medical students, cultivate the medical students' professional quality of "morality - technical integra- tion" and "profound and loyalty" and enhance medical students' professional and responsibility to medical profession. This is of far - reaching significance an of tension doctor - patient relationship, rebuild the society' s trust and respect entity of sense of honor, mission d unique value to solve the problem for doctor' s profession and imple-ment the strategy of healthy China.

关 键 词: 工匠精神 医学精神 职业认同 医患关系 健康中国

分 类 号: [R192]

领  域: []


