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作  者: ;

机构地区: 南方医科大学

出  处: 《华北电力大学学报:社会科学版》 2012年第6期19-26,共8页

摘  要: 作为南京国民政府经济建设初期的一个管理机构,建设委员会十分重视电业的规划与建设。20世纪30年代建设委员会在长江中下游地区进行了电业规划及建设,包括水力发电厂的规划、长江中下游地区电网的筹划、电业"四化"建设的倡导及实践,这类电业规划和实践的成效受到很多因素的限制,它从一个侧面反映出南京国民政府统治初期经济建设的困境。 As a management agency for the economic construction in the early period of the Nanjing Nationaist Government,the Construction Committee attached great importance to the planning and construction of the electric industry.The planning and practice of the electrical industry of the Construction Committee included the planning of the hydropower plants,the building of the power network in the middle-lower Yangtze area,the advocacy and practice of the Four Modernizations of the construction of the power industry.However,there were many factors that limited the planning and practice of the electric industry,which reflected the predicament of the economic construction during early period of the Nanjing Nationalist Government from one aspect.

关 键 词: 南京国民政府 电业规划与实践 长江中下游地区

分 类 号: [K27]

领  域: []


