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作  者: ;

机构地区: 南方医科大学

出  处: 《暨南学报:哲学社会科学版》 2012年第6期18-24,共7页

摘  要: 处治窃电法规颁布以前,在长江中下游地区,用户窃电成风,法律上惩罚判定窃电罪行标准不一,致使各电厂纷纷制定法规严惩窃电用户。针对这一问题,建设委员会从“立法”、司法、舆论宣传等方面对窃电行为进行整治。然而,建设委员会处治窃电行为的实践效果却不尽如人意,长江中下游地区的窃电之风仍盛行于世。其原因可归结为电气公司职员包庇窃电者,并为其说情;行政官员带头窃电,在社会上产生了不良影响;警务人员不配合电气公司查处窃电行为;司法机关习故蹈常,没有切实奉行电业规章。 Before the regulations of controlling power theft were promulgated,power theft was rampant in the middle-lower yangtze area.The standard of legal punishment of the stealing power crime was different,which caused many power plants to make regulations punishing severely users of stealing power.To solve this problem,the National Construction Commission governed power theft from the aspects of 'legislation',justice,consensus propaganda and so on.However,the effects were not satisfactory.Power theft still existed,left to dealt with in the middle-lower yangtze area.There were some reasons for that.The clerks in the electric corporation harbored and interceded for users of stealing power.The administrative officers took the lead to steal power,causing harmful effects in society.Policemen did not cooperate with electric corporations investigating and punishing power theft.Morever,judicial organs did not execute electricity regulations either.This paper reflects that economic construction was disordered,and the characteristics of the economic legislation was hysteretic during the early Period of the Nanjing National Government from side.

关 键 词: 建设委员会 治理窃电行为 长江中下游地区

分 类 号: [K262.9]

领  域: []


