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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东第二师范学院

出  处: 《中国国家博物馆馆刊》 2017年第7期90-99,共10页

摘  要: 李鸿章是晚清著名大臣,对当时中国的内政、外交关系影响极大,因此其一直是海内外学者关注的焦点。他的传世著作基本上被安徽教育出版社于2008年出版的《李鸿章全集》囊括殆尽,这无疑将推动李鸿章研究朝着更深、更全面的方向发展。但是,李鸿章研究还存在许多缺漏和不足之处,如在材料的使用上,虽然有研究者不断发现和挖掘新材料,然仍有少许遗珠不曾刊布。近来笔者主要根据晚清至今的相关文献,辑录了李鸿章四篇集外文和一首佚诗,并对相关材料进行了补充疏证。鉴于其在晚清历史上的重要地位和影响,这些集外诗文无疑为李鸿章研究提供了新资料,对识其散文创作、史学见解、生平交游乃至晚清文化诸方面均有重要意义,并有助于推进对整个近代史的认识,因而值得研究者重视。 For Li Hongzhang had a great influence on the internal and foreign affairs of China in late Qing as a celebrated minister, he has always been the focus of attention for scholars at home and abroad. Nearly all his writings handed down were collected in the Complete Works of Li Hongzhang published by Anhui Education Press in 2008, which undoubtedly could promote a deeper and broader research on Li Hongzhang. However, there are still many omissions and inadequacies in the research on Li Hongzhang. For example, though the newly discovered literatures have been valued and favorably received by the scholars, there are still some unpublished materials. Therefore, on the basis of the related records from late Qing to the present, the current author compiles four scattered articles and one lost poem to make a textual research. Considering Li's important status and influence in late Qing, these poems and essays deserve the researchers' special attention for they are not only significant for us to recognize Li's prose creation, historical view, circle of friends and even the late Qing culture, but also helpful to understand the entire modern history.

关 键 词: 李鸿章 佚文 佚诗 辑考

分 类 号: [G255.1]

领  域: []


