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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东第二师范学院

出  处: 《广州大学学报:社会科学版》 2018年第12期79-82,共4页

摘  要: 岭南自古便是海外移民的主要输出地,广东现代作家中多位长期侨居海外,杜埃就是其中之一。他有相当数量的作品以跨文化视野书写海外经历,特别是其菲律宾题材小说,通过对地理空间和景观的展示,呈现出强烈的恋地情结、自觉的身份意识和深厚的人性悲悯,既融汇了岭南文化底色和五四以来的新文学传统,又表达了区别于中国大陆本土作家的世界视野和跨文化体验,成为现代文学史上独树一帜的书写。 Lingnan has been a main emigration region of overseas Chinese since the ancient times. Many of Guangdong′s modern writers have been living overseas for a long time. Duai is one of them. He has written a considerable number of works about the overseas experiences from a cross-cultural perspective, especially his Philippine-themed novels. Through the display of geography and landscape, he presents a strong feeling of homesickness, subjective identity consciousness and deep human sorrow. His novels combine the Lingnan culture background and the new literary tradition since the May Fourth Movement, and also express a worldwide vision and cross-cultural experience which is different from that of the mainland Chinese writers. His writing is unique in the history of modern literature.

关 键 词: 杜埃 华侨 地理景观 岭南 世界视野

分 类 号: [I206.6]

领  域: []


