作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东药科大学马克思主义学院
出 处: 《社会主义研究》 2017年第4期46-56,共11页
摘 要: 网络民粹主义动员是发生在网络空间,运用民粹主义话语来实现大众动员的政治活动。当前中国的网络民粹主义动员,缺乏坚定的领导人物和明晰的政治规划,往往由具体社会议题所诱发,带有明显的情绪宣泄和大众狂欢的特点,在看似暴烈的话语背后隐藏着虚弱乏力、自我限制的本性。在主体维度上体现着意见领袖与普通网民之间的互动,交织着“为民之粹”的精英维度和“以民为粹”的草根维度;在发生逻辑上由不满、怨恨和愤怒情绪所驱动,体现着情感动员的鲜明特征。网络民粹主义动员的治理,一方面需要通过强化国家治理、社会治理来推动社会公平正义,从根本上改善网络民粹主义动员的滋长土壤;另一方面需要甄别民粹主义动员的类别,强化危机管理意识,采取有针对性的疏导策略。 Internet populism mobilization is a kind of political activity taking place in cyberspace and using populist discourse to achieve mass mobilization. Without firm leadership and clear political planning, the Internet populism mobilization in Contemporary China is often inspired by specific social issues and characterized by emotional catharsis and mass revelry, which is by nature weak and self-limiting with violent words. It reflects the interaction between opinion leaders and ordinary Internet users, interweaving with the complex elements of populism and elitism; It is mobilized by emotional factors including discontent, resentment and anger, with the distinctive features of emotional mobilization. As for the governance of internet populism,we need to promote the function and capacity of state government, achieving social equity and justice and eliminating its growing soil on the one hand. On the other hand, we need to recognize the complexity of different kinds of internet populism mobilization and take corresponding countermeasures.
关 键 词: 网络民粹主义 社会动员 社会运动 网络协商民主
分 类 号: [D669]
领 域: []