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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东财经大学

出  处: 《国土资源科技管理》 2012年第5期109-114,共6页

摘  要: 传统的村镇土地利用规划注重对未来土地利用的组织,这种理念体现了政府对土地利用的干预而忽略了土地利用规划的另外一些重要的特性。在蒂伯特模型和分区理论的指导下,传统的土地规划理念亟待突破:村镇土地利用规划的重心之一要从限制发展转向公共产品的充分供给;视角要从单纯的部门专业规划转向融合财政税收等部门的综合性规划;制定要从集权化走向分权化。传统的土地利用规划需要从计划思维转向市场思维,大胆突破规划理念,而这不仅需要土地利用规划的专业人士以更加开阔的视野对待规划本身,还需要中央政府实行更加分权化的土地利用规划制定政策和改革财政税收等体制予以配合。 Traditional land use planning emphasize the assignment of land use in the future and ignores some pivotal traits of the land use planning. It is necessary to break through traditional concepts of land use planning under the guidance of Tiebout model and zoning theory, that is, one of the key points in the planning should he changed from restraining development to sufficient supply of public products, the perspective should transfer from simple departmental and professional planning to synthetic planning that inosculate financial department, and the principle of planning-making should transfer from centralization to decentralization. Traditional mode of thinking must convert from plan to market. Not only is it necessary for land use planners to open up their perspectives, but it is stringent for central government to assign more authority to local government and innovate the present financial institutions.

关 键 词: 土地经济 蒂伯特模型 分区 土地利用规划

分 类 号: [F301.2]

领  域: []


