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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东财经大学

出  处: 《天津商业大学学报》 2017年第2期57-64,共8页

摘  要: 价值共创作为一种新型的价值创造模式,近年来已成为国内外学术界研究的热点之一,众多学者从各自 角度对价值共创进行了研究.但从现有研究文献来看,价值共创的概念还比较模糊,研究内容庞杂,界定不清,影响 因素、产生结果以及形成机制尚未形成普遍共识.本文从动态角度梳理了价值共创在三种营销主导逻辑演进中的 地位和作用,发现在这一演进过程中顾客的作用越来越得到凸显;从静态角度分别剖析了生产领域、交互领域和消 费领域三种情境下价值共创的内涵,并从理论层面构建了企业与顾客二元主体的价值共创形成机制;最后在总结 本研究结论的基础上提出现有研究的不足与未来的研究方向. As a new pattern of value creation,value co-creation has become one of the hot topics in the academic circles at home and abroad recently,and many scholars have been studying it from many perspectives. Viewed from the existing research literature, however, the concept of value co-creation is still vague. The research content is com-plex and the definition is not clear. There isn ' t a general consensus on antecedent, consequence and fonnation mecha-nism. This article reviews the roles of value co-creation in three marketing dominant logics from the dynamic perspective,and finds that customer' role is incieasingly valued in the evolution. From the static perspective,the con-notation of value co-creation is dissected in the areas of production, interaction and consumption, and the mechanism of value co-creation based on the “company to customer” binary principals is established in three different contexts from the theoretical level. Based on the conclusion, the insufficiency of this study is put forward and the recommen-dations on the future study are also given in the end.

关 键 词: 价值共创 商品主导逻辑 服务主导逻辑 顾客主导逻辑

分 类 号: [F270]

领  域: []


