作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东财经大学
出 处: 《旅游研究》 2014年第4期79-85,共7页
摘 要: 对我国酒店管理专业办学定位的研究,学者们主要有三种观点:市场需求导向、国际化导向和适度超前。近年来,随着我国酒店客源市场由国外客源为主体转变为国内客源为主体,客观要求酒店业应打造一整套"中国服务"模式以适应需求。通过对三种办学定位的形成原因和内涵进行评价,并结合我国酒店产业发展的整体定位,提出现阶段我国酒店管理专业应确立以振兴民族酒店产业为导向的办学定位。 Concerning the study of the orientation of hotel management in our country,scholars have three main viewpoints:market- oriented,internationalization- oriented and moderate advance. Recent years,with the fundamental changes in our hotel tourist market from foreign tourists as the main to domestic tourists as the main,it's essential and objective for hotel industry to create a set of"Chinese Service"models to meet the demands. Through the analysis of the causation and the content of these three educational orientations as well as the combination with our hotel industry's overall positioning,it is suggested that nowadays our hotel management should establish the orientation of revitalizing our national hotel industry as the guiding direction.
关 键 词: 酒店管理专业 办学定位 振兴民族酒店产业 “中国服务”模式
分 类 号: [F590]
领 域: []