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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东财经大学

出  处: 《城市观察》 2016年第2期157-164,共8页

摘  要: 明清时期所修五部广州府志在保有大量乡土文献的同时,也直接或间接反映了本朝及之前新疆问题的某些侧面。明清对疆思路与策略有明显不同,明廷以绥靖为主,清代则更显强硬。粤宦贬戍新疆虽意在惩处犯官,但客观上却为新疆的开发与建设起到了推动作用。另外,就诸府志来看,广州与新疆的贸易联系历史悠久且少有中断,广州市内伊斯兰遗迹众多,伊斯兰人口亦占有一定的比重。 Besides literature on local matters, the five Guangzhou Annals compiled during the Ming and Qing dynasties also directly or indirectly reflect the relationship between the Dynasty and Xinjiang. The two dynasties are significantly different in their attitudes and policies towards Xinjiang. The Ming court to appeasement, Qing Dynasty is more tough. Guangzhou officials demoted to be stationed in Xinjiang was meant to be punished, but they on the other hand gave a major push to the development and construction of Xinjiang. In addition, according to these annals, the trade links between Guangzhou and Xinjiang has enjoyed a long history with few disruption; many Islamic relics could be found within the territory of Guangzhou; and Islamic population also accounted for a proportion of the city's total.

关 键 词: 明代 清代 广州府志 新疆

分 类 号: [K810]

领  域: []


