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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州体育学院

出  处: 《西安体育学院学报》 2019年第3期350-355,共6页

摘  要: 通过文献资料、录像观察、数理统计和专家访谈等方法,对 2013—2015 年体操世锦赛及 2016 里约奥运会平衡木单项决赛的 32 套动作进行深入研究,并结合 2017 版女子体操评分规则,旨在分析出新奥运周期女子平衡木成套动作编排特征及发展趋势,为我国女子体操队备战东京奥运会提供理论参考。结果显示:( 1)新奥运周期女子平衡木成套动作将朝着高难度、高质量、高艺术的总趋势发展,编排类型更加复杂和多样化,成套动作连贯有序成为主要特征;( 2)高难技巧动作将成为构成 D 分的核心要素,而为展现出运动员个人特点和顺应国际潮流,舞蹈动作的选择将趋于难、美、新;( 3)上法得到重视,并鼓励发展高难度的空翻类上法,下法的选择不再受限,但 F 组以上难度的下法明显占优,并朝着二连接和三连接的形式发展;( 4)推崇混合连接,以避免技巧连接限制带来的编排单一化,而动力性的技巧二连接、B + B + C 及以上难度的三连接,以 D 组难度为中间动作的混合二连接和混合三连接将成为潮流连接。 Through using the methods of literature review,video observation,mathematical statistics and expert interview,the authors make deeper study on 32 sets of balance beam movement in finals of 2013-2015 World Gymnastics Championships and Rio 2016 Olympic Games,and combined the 2017 FIG women’s gymnastics rules. The main purpose is to analyze the characteristics and developing trend of women’s balance beam its whole-set of movements in new Olympic cycle and provide reference for the Chinese women’s gymnastics team preparing for the Tokyo Olympic games. The conclusions are as follows:( 1) High difficult,high quality and high art is the development trend of arrangement of the sets of balance beam movement. Arrangement type become more complex and diverse,the set of movement more consistent.( 2) Difficult skill movement will become the key elements of D point,and to demonstrate the athletes’personal characteristics and follow the international trend,the dance will become more difficult,beautiful and innovative.( 3) The mount movement to get attention,and encour-age the development of difficult mount movement of the somersault type. The dismount movements is no longer limited,but F group and above the difficulty of dismount is more difficult than the obvious dominant.( 4) The mixed connection is highly recommended to avoid the simplification of skill binding constraints,and the dynamic two connections,B + B + C and above difficult three connections,D group for the middle movement of mixed two and three mixed connections,will become the ma-instream of connection form.

关 键 词: 新奥运周期 女子平衡木 成套动作 编排

分 类 号: [G832.72]

领  域: []


