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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州体育学院

出  处: 《首都体育学院学报》 2005年第1期 100-101,共2页

摘  要: 在一个学期内对体操专选班学生30人每天进行45分钟的瑜伽练习,在练习前后对身体技能素质和心理健康进行测试;结果:练习者的应用肺活量、安静时脉搏、VO2max、握力、俯卧撑等反映身体机能素质的指标,以及心理健康自评问卷(SCL-90)、自评焦虑量表(SAS)、自评抑郁量表(SDS)等指标较练习前有显著改善,并具有统计学意义;结论:练习瑜伽可以强身健体,调节身心,缓解精神压力,使身体机能素质和心理素质水平得到改善和提高. 30 students were chosen to practice yoga for 45 minutes every day in a semester and they were tested of their physical functions and mental health before and after the practice. Result: The indicators that may reflect subjects' physical functions such as their lung capacity,peaceful pulse ,VO2MAX,power of gripping and push-ups have been improved substantially,while the indicators from mental health tests such as SCL-90.SAS and SDS are also much better than those before the practice of Yoga. (P<0.05). Conclusion: Yoga Practice can make human bodies stronger and healthier,alleviate stress and enhance physical functions and mental health level.

关 键 词: 瑜伽 身体机能 心理素质

分 类 号: [G83]

领  域: []


