作 者: ;
机构地区: 广州体育学院
出 处: 《体育成人教育学刊》 2016年第5期18-21,共4页
摘 要: 为研究我国马拉松赛选手猝死现象,对我国2004年到2016年马拉松赛选手猝死事件进行回顾性调查,收集马拉松猝死事件18例并对其进行分析。结果显示:猝死者年龄偏低,平均年龄为30.47±12.36,其中以20-29这一年龄段居多;猝死者职业分布较广,以男性为主;参加半程马拉松选手发生猝死较多,且多数选手无参赛和长跑经历;马拉松选手猝死多发生在冲刺时段和终点后;猝死原因主要由心脏疾病引起的心源性猝死;影响选手运动猝死的因素有:运动负荷、天气、自身疾病或遗传因素、心理应激。根据以上调查结果,提出预防马拉松选手运动猝死的相关建议。 Investigation is made for the sudden deaths of the marathon athletes from 2004 to 2016 and 18 cases are analysed. The research findings show that the sudden death people are more of young age with average age of 30. 47±12. 36 and the people between 20 to 29 years old occupy the biggest part; the sudden death people have various occupations and most of them are men; many of the sudden death people are the ones taking part in semi-marathon and most of them have little marathon competition experience; many sudden deaths occur in the sprint period and after the finish; the causes of the sudden death is cardiac heart disease; the influential factors of the sudden death include sports load, weather, disease or genetic factor and psychological stress. The paper proposes ways for the precaution of the sudden death of the marathon athletes based on the investigation.
分 类 号: [G822.8]
领 域: []