作 者: ;
机构地区: 广州体育学院
出 处: 《西安体育学院学报》 2013年第2期163-167,共5页
摘 要: 对公平概念、亚当斯的公平理论及其在全民健身服务领域的应用进行了概括、描述、评解,为人信理解、评价全民健身服务公平提供了理论基础。联系我国现阶段国情,以公平理论为研究视角,以科学的公平观为演绎前提,初步探究了全民健身服务公平内涵、特征及遵循原则。 National Fitness Sports services equity is a component part of social equity. Its defence and realization has important significance for promoting social equity and justice. The methods of document ,theoretical analysis ,interview and observation are used. Firstly ,the author summarized ,described and commented the concept of equity, Adams' equity theory and the application of the equity theory and Hu Jin-tao' s the equity and justice thinking. It provided a theoretical basis for people' s understanding and evaluating of National Fitness Sports services equity. Then based on the condition of our country, from the perspective of equity theory and President Hu's scientific outlook on equity, the author studied the connotation ,characteristics and following principles of National Fitness Sports services equity.
关 键 词: 全民健身服务 公平 公平理论 科学公平观 评价
分 类 号: [G80-051]
领 域: []