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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州体育学院

出  处: 《北京体育大学学报》 2011年第12期 72-74,共3页

摘  要: 健康信念模式被用于解释和指导健康相关行为。体质健康的强弱是否对学生的健康信念产生积极的影响?应如何测量学生的体质健康信念?迄今尚缺乏体质健康信念的测量工具。以健康信念理论的变量为基础,编写包含24道题共5个分量表的《大学生体质健康信念量表》。量表经检验具有较好的内部一致性信度及重测信度。量表的初步测试结果显示:大学生对锻炼促进健康具有良好的认知,对于体育健康评价所产生的健康行为与调节,具有较高的改善意向。 The Health Belief Model is employed to explain and guide the heath related behaviors.Whether the conditions of physical fitness pose a positive impact on the health belief of students? How to measure the physical fitness health belief So far,the measuring tools of physical fitness health belief are still deficient.Based on the impact factors of health belief,this study compiled the scale "Physical Fitness Health Belief of College Students" containing 24 questions of 5 subscales.The scale has good internal consistency and test-retest reliability.The preliminary test result of the scale reveals: college students understand that exercises promote health and intend to improve the health behaviors generated by health assessment and adjustment.

关 键 词: 健康信念 体质健康 量表编制

分 类 号: [G804.49]

领  域: []


