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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州体育学院

出  处: 《山东体育科技》 2017年第5期36-39,共4页

摘  要: 通过文献资料、数理统计、视频观察、逻辑分析、调查访问等研究方法,针对里约奥运会后古典式摔跤竞赛规则的调整与修改,对古典式摔跤技战术产生的影响以及发展趋势进行分析、比较, 结果表明:运动员积极进攻意识加强,出界、转移是站立对抗的主要得分技术,滚桥是跪撑对抗的主要得分技术,运动员在比赛中技战术运用多样化,比赛对于运动员身体能力的要求越来越高, 我国古典式摔跤运动员整体对抗能力与世界高水平运动员还存在差距, 教练员需针对性地确定优势级别,加强运动员个人能力与技术风格的培养, 在训练中应突出核心技术运用得分能力训练,尤其需要加强站立对抗的主动性和得分能力, There were 11 national teams and seven Chinese athletes in the 2017 InternationalMan's Greco-Roman Wrestling Grade A. This paper analyzes the influence and developmenttrend of the Greco -Roman tactics on the adjustment and modification of the Greco -Romanwrestling competition rules after the Rio Olympic Game, through the research methods such asliterature review, video observation, logic analysis, investigation, interview, and other researchmethods. The results showed that the athletes were more active in attacking consciousness, outof bounds is the main scoring skills by stand, and the rolling bridge is the main scoring skill onthe knees. Athletes use variety of skills in the game, and the competition is increasinglydemanding for athletes' physical ability. There is also a gap between the Chinese Greco-Romanwrestlers and the world's elite athletes in overall counterforce. The coaches need to identify thelevel of dominance, and strengthen the individual competence and technical style training forathletes. The coaches should focus on the core skills scoring ability, especially on strengthenthe initiative and scoring ability of standing antagonism.

关 键 词: 古巴 古典摔跤比赛 技术统计与分析

分 类 号: [G886.2]

领  域: []


