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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州体育学院

出  处: 《广州体育学院学报》 2014年第6期4-7,15共5页

摘  要: “健康是人全面发展的基础,关乎千家万户的幸福”。(党的十七大报告)“建设美丽中国”。(党的十八大报告)说明关注健康和生态环境已上升到国家发展战略的高度。采用文献资料、实地调查、问卷调查和数理统计等研究方法,研究探讨了现代社会大众参与休闲体育活动开展的影响因素,其影响因子有环境条件因子、条件引导因子、主观态度因子、经济保障因子和功能绩效因子。对珠江三角洲居民参与运动休闲活动行为的满意度进行了深层分析,研究表明,居民对自身参与的休闲体育行为、对休闲健身的环境和公共服务基本是满意的,该研究为提高珠江三角洲大众参与休闲体育活动质量,建设美丽中国,为相关职能部门决策提供参考。 "Health is the foundation of human comprehensive development, and is related to the happiness of every family". (The report of the 17th Congress of the Communist Party of China) "The construction of beautiful China". (the 18th Congress of the Communist Party of China) "To develop the public undertakings of physical culture and sports,- We will launch extensive fitness programs for the general public, The development of recreational sports, …… To promote coordinated development of undertakings of physical culture and sports and sports industry". (The state's five -year development plan) This shows, Focus on health and ecological environment has risen to the height of the national development strategy. This paper uses the literature review, field investigation, questionnaire and mathematical statistics methods to discuss the modem public participation in leisure sports activities, the influence factors of the influence factor with environmental factor, Conditions for guiding factor, Subjective attitude factor, economicseeurityfactor and Functional performance factor. The research results show the residents are satisfied with their recreational sports activities, the leisure fitness environment and basic public services. The studyprovides some reference for relevant decision - making departments to improve the quality of sports participation of the residents in Pearl River delta.

关 键 词: 运动休闲 珠江三角洲 休闲体育活动

分 类 号: [G80]

领  域: []


