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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东警官学院

出  处: 《中央民族大学学报:哲学社会科学版》 2016年第1期156-162,共7页

摘  要: 越南古国林邑之史,域外文献足徵者较少,而存于汉籍文献者较详赡,其中《水经注》卷三六《温水注》"东北入于郁"条集中保存了林邑古国历史文献,对研究越南古代历史以及中越关系史具有重要文献价值。《水经注》所载林邑都城区粟城外曲路侧立有《林邑古碑》,为南朝宋齐时某代林邑王所立,碑文以梵书铭赞林邑王范胡达营建典冲之功德,为传世汉籍文献所见林邑古国石刻之仅存者。 Historical documents of Linyi Kingdom were very scarce in foreign documents, but rich in Chinese documents, among which Shuijingzhu is very special. In Volume 36 of Shuijingzhu, there are many historical documents about Linyi Kingdom, which are valuable for the study of Vietnamese ancient history and the history of the relationship between China and Vietnam. The ancient monument, recorded in Volume 36 of Shuijingzhu, standing by the roadside outside Dianchong City, was built by one king of Linyi Kingdom in the period from the Song to the Qi Dynasty during the Southern Dynasties in China. The epigraph carved on the monument recorded the praise for Fan Huda, the King of Linyi Kingdom, and his achievements of constructing Dianchong City. This monument is the only one recorded in Chinese ancient documents.

关 键 词: 越南 林邑 水经注 林邑记

分 类 号: [K204.5]

领  域: []


