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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东警官学院

出  处: 《文史哲》 2016年第4期101-107,共7页

摘  要: 郦道元在为《水经》作注的过程中,地合南北,遍寻古迹,广辑碑文,收录诸多汉魏时期汉地佛教寺庙佛塔及碑刻,如《北魏永宁寺碑》、《洛阳瑶光寺碑》、《北魏祇洹碑》等,而《水经注》卷二十三《汳水注》还记载了我国传世文献所见最早汉地佛塔“襄乡浮图”。“襄乡浮图”及汉末笮融所起“浮图祠”是传统“仙人好楼居”汉式重楼向兼具汉印特色“上累金盘,下为重楼”的楼阁式佛塔的过渡性建筑,标志着汉地佛塔的真正产生,在中国佛教史上具有重要的象征意义,而襄阳市樊城区出土“菜越墓陶楼”则是汉末重楼式浮图祠的一件出土文物标准器。“襄乡浮图”早于笮融所起“浮图祠”十余年,故“襄乡浮图”不仅是传世文献所见最早之墓塔,亦为我国传世文献所见最早之佛塔,而笮融于广陵所起“浮图祠”则为传世文献所见最早之寺塔。 In vol.23 of Li Daoyuan's Commentary on the Waterways Classics,there recorded the Xiangxiang Stupa which was the earliest Chinese pagoda seen in extant documents.The Xiangxiang Stupa and the Stupa Temple built by Ze Rong belong to the transitional buildings from tower with Chinese style to pavilion type pagoda combining Chinese and Indian style,marking the appearance of Chinese pagoda,which had symbolic significance in the history of Chinese Buddhism.And the pottery miniature house found among the Caiyue Han burial in Fancheng District,Xiangyang City is a standard apparatus of pavilion type pagoda in the late Han Dynasty.The Xiangxiang Stupa built more than one decade earlier than the Stupa Temple built by Ze Rong,so it is not only the earliest tomb tower seen in extant documents,but also the earliest Buddhist pagoda seen in extant documents;while the Stupa Temple built by Ze Rong in Guangling is the earliest temple tower seen in extant Chinese documents.

关 键 词: 襄乡浮图 浮图祠 《水经注》 熹平某君碑

分 类 号: [K878.8]

领  域: []


