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作  者: ;

机构地区: 南方科技大学

出  处: 《热带地理》 2017年第2期154-162,共9页

摘  要: 一国两制勾勒了独特的跨境水资源治理情境。在这个情境中,长达半个多世纪的跨境供水有力地支持了港澳地区的长期繁荣和发展;同时,近年来出现的关于跨境供水的争议也凸显出“两制”安排下差异化的社会、历史、政治条件所塑造的不同治水策略。重要的是,这些争议并不主要产生于政府间议程,而是集中在非政府层面的民众、媒体、社会组织甚至学者。这既体现出“边境重塑”已经超越空间意义成为社会、政治、文化过程的一部分,也反映地缘关系研究中需要融入更多价值观、话语、权利等“低政治”问题。未来的跨境水资源治理研究需要进一步细化,进一步综合社会学、政治学、公共管理学等学科理论和方法,走出“地域陷阱”,从批判地缘政治学视角加强对地方层面的社会关系和社会规律的研究。 The framework of "one country, two systems" constitutes a unique context of trans-boundary water govemance, which has supported the long-term prosperity of Hong Kong and Macau. In the meantime, some contentious issues in regard to the trans-boundary water supply also reflect divergent water governance strategies shaped by different social, historical and political conditions. This paper first reviews the history and current status of trans-boundary water supply for Hong collaborative relationships, the main responsibilities Kong and Macau. It highlights the long-term bilateral of water planning, water development, water conservation and regional coordination that have been carried by the Mainland. Followed by a summary of divergent local water governance arrangements and agenda between Hong Kong and Macau, the paper outlines four main types of contentions which are associated with the water security and water pricing nested in the Guangdong-Hong Kong trans-boundary water supply. Then, the paper demonstrates an alternative side of each contention by providing a more comprehensive explanation to the focal controversy. It is shown that these contentions are stemmed from misunderstanding or misinterpretation of the general public, media, NGOs even academics rather than of inter-governmental arrangements. In this sense, trans-boundary water governance under the 'one country, two systems' framework is more likely to facilitate cooperation at the river basin level than international river governance influenced by diplomatic relations, but is also more prone to create internal conflicts that cannot be solely addressed by administrative power. This phenomenon not only echoes with the recent research agenda of political geography that accentuates 'borders are everywhere', but also confirms the importance of "soft power" in geo-political relations. The paper argues that the key to the long-term success of trans-boundary water governance under the "one country, two systems" framework does not simply depen

关 键 词: 水政治 一国两制 边境 批判地缘政治学 香港

分 类 号: [TV213.4]

领  域: []


