作 者: ;
机构地区: 南方科技大学
出 处: 《人文地理》 2018年第5期123-132,共10页
摘 要: 国际非政府组织(ING0)在国际环境政治中发挥着日益重要的角色,也是中国“一带一路”走出去的关键影响要素之一。批判地缘政治关注主权国家之外的非政府行为体,同时对权力概念提出了新的理解。借助其思想,本文指出国际环境政治中ING0的作用,并通过尺度一权力框架分析其行动和角色。发现:①ING0在环境等国际公共事务上作用不断凸显;②ING0在多个尺度上通过不同的权力影响环境政治;③INGO与政府存在依赖、合作和对抗等不同的互动关系。因此,应处理好与INGO的关系,借助其独特的权力助力“一带一路”建设。 Intemational non-governmental organizations (INGOs), as a typical non-state actor, play an in- creasingly crucial role in global environmental political issues despite that sovereign state remains the most important force in contemporary international society. Against the backdrop of the "Belt and Road Initiative", moreover, the activities and advocacies of INGOs may substantially influence the outcomes and pro- cesses of Chinese enterprises' oversea infrastructure construction projects. This paper argues that the roles and strategies of INGOs should be included in the agenda of geopolitical studies. Following this line of inquiry, this paper integrates key geopolitical concepts of scale and power and provides a useful framework for analyzing INGOs. It first reviews the development and basic characteristics of critical geopolitical research and emphasizes that examining the role of INGOs could improve our understanding of the decision-making mechanism of international public affairs, which could also contribute to the literature on critical geopolitics. Then, this paper points out the limitation of state-centrism as well as the emerging influence of INGOs in addressing global environmental issues. Next, this paper illustrates the main strategies of INGOs by unpacking their roles in three spatial scales (i.e., global, national and local) and three power dimensions (i.e., decisional power, discursive power and regulatory power) in the field of global environment politics. Last but not least, the paper pictures INGOs' relationships with governmental and other non-govemmental actors.
分 类 号: [K901.4]
领 域: []