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作  者: ;

机构地区: 汕头大学

出  处: 《山西师大学报:社会科学版》 2012年第4期112-116,共5页

摘  要: 生病是一种不可避免、不可替代的生命体验。疾病体验可以积淀为丰富的创作资源,疾病中的情感冲动与精神苦闷都容易激发创作的欲望,疾病中产生的对人生真相的敏锐洞察、对生命意义的感悟、对死亡的思索等都可成为创作的能源。在很多情况下,是疾病成就了作家。但与此同时,创作是一种宣泄,是一种慰藉,也是一种精神补偿,它作为一种有效的治疗手段,实现了患病的作家们在文学精神中的自我疗救。 Being ill is a kind of inevitable and irreplaceable life experience. Disease experiences may accumu- late for the rich creation resources. Emotion impulsion and mental distress in disease are likely to stimulate the de- sire for creation. Disease resulting in the keen insight into the truth of life, the meaning of life perception and the thinking of death and so on may be the creative energy. In many situations, disease contributes to the success of writers. At the same time, creation as a kind of divulges, consoles, and spiritual compensation, takes one effective treatment method and has realized the spirit of self-curing in literary writers who had been sick.

关 键 词: 疾病 创作能源 自我疗救

分 类 号: [I04]

领  域: []


