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作  者: ;

机构地区: 汕头大学

出  处: 《云南师范大学学报:对外汉语教学与研究版》 2008年第3期 19-25,共7页

摘  要: 文章以汉语中一个特殊的语言现象——含“交集歧义”语段的非歧义句作为切入口,考察了分词加工在留学生句子阅读过程中不同的理解。文章指出,留学生主要靠词语的熟悉度以及与心理词汇的匹配程度来激活句子的分词加工;语段前的提示信息对分词的启动效应不明显;合词连写对句子理解的干扰性很大,是理解错误的主要原因。因此,适当增加分词连写的材料,有助于留学生理解句子,同时巩固和建构词的结构和界限,为阅读合词连写材料打下基础。 This paper investigates the processing of reading crossing ambiguous phrases in unambiguous sentences by foreign students (FS) in order to find out the role of word segmentation in Chinese reading. This research has the following findings : 1 ) Chinese word segmentation by FS depends on their familiarity of the word and the word's matching degree in their mental lexicons; 2) the information provided before the crossing ambiguous phrase cant effectively activate the word segmentation; 3 ) link writing for Chinese words is the primary factor that influences FS's sentence comprehension.

关 键 词: 交集歧义语段 分词加工 匹配方式 心理词汇

分 类 号: [H195]

领  域: []


