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作  者: ;

机构地区: 文学院

出  处: 《文艺理论研究》 2013年第6期178-184,共7页

摘  要: “解构”作为一种思维方式在20世纪后期影响甚大,但对之也存在诸多误解。德里达对二元对立的思维方式的突破并非是非理性的破坏,而是做了严密的逻辑分析,其异质性思维中包含了两个重要的视角:时间和他者。德里达的跨界书写暗合了后现代的去分化的思维,使艺术边界问题的讨论更加复杂。其思维的主要局限在于还原论思维,语言被还原为超级主体,作者的权威得以重新返魅。语言的自反性使用导致德里达的文本处于自我解构的困境,被众多批评家诟病为双重逻辑,其思维方式中的前逻辑却一再被遮蔽。 Despite of misunderstanding, deconstruction as a kind of way of thinking has inserted profound influence in the late 20th century. Derrida' s undermining of the dualistic way of thinking may not be taken as an irrational destruction, but as a rigorously logical analysis. The heterogeneous way of thinking contains two important perspectives of time and otherness. Derrida' s cross - disciplinary writing implicates a post - modern thought of dedifferentiation, which further complicates the boundaries between arts. However, the main limitation of Derrida' s mode of thinking lies in its reduetionist way of thought, in which language is reduced to super subject and the author' s authority is re - enchanted. The reflective use of language leads to the self - deconstruction of Derrida' s writing, which entails a double logic, while the pre - logic underlying the double logic has all the time been concealed.

关 键 词: 思维方式 双重逻辑 局限

分 类 号: [B804]

领  域: []


