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作  者: ;

机构地区: 汕头大学

出  处: 《南方经济》 2017年第6期115-128,共14页

摘  要: 在消费者行为学研究领域,消费者民族中心主义是解释消费者进行跨国产品选择问题的重要概念。自Shimp and Sharma(1987)首次提出这一概念以来,迄今已经30年,受到研究者的广泛关注。但在当前经济全球化的浪潮下,伴随跨境消费行为的日趋频繁,消费者日益面临着"支持国货"与"偏好洋货"的选择性冲突,使得消费者民族中心主义能否适用于解决当前的现实问题开始受到质疑。近些年,部分研究者尝试对消费者民族中心主义进行重新建构,并提出了新的测量量表,以期为消费者民族中心主义适用新的时代背景开辟路径。基于此,本研究主要围绕着消费者民族中心主义这一构念,从其概念演化、历史渊源、取得成果及测度方法等方面进行较为全面的研究回顾与反思,同时也就近些年的最新研究进展进行了总结归纳,最后展望了未来可能的研究方向。 In the field of consumer behavior research, consumer ethnocentrism (CET) is an important concept to explain the choice of transnational products. Since Shimp and Sharma (1987) proposed the concept of consumer ethnocentrism, it has been widely concerned by researchers for thirty years. While in current context of economic globalization, with increasingly frequent cross - border consumer behaviors, consumers are faced with intensified selective conflict between "supporting domestic goods" and "preference for import goods", which has led to the question that whether consumer ethnocentrism can be applied to solve the current practical problems. In recent years, some researchers attempted to reconceptualize the construct of consumer ethnocentrism and develop new scales in hope of finding new path to apply consumer ethnocentrism to new backgrounds. By focusing on the construct of consumer ethnocentrism, this article reviews its evolution of construct, antecedents, consequences and measurement. The rethink and recent research progresses are also summarized in this paper. Future research directions of consumer ethnocentrism are proposed in final.

关 键 词: 消费者民族中心主义 消费者敌意 消费者态度 概念重构 反思

分 类 号: [F270]

领  域: []


