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作  者: ;

机构地区: 深圳大学

出  处: 《中国社会科学》 2017年第3期96-115,共20页

摘  要: 现代反垄断法分析模式是反垄断法适用的核心环节。中国《反垄断法》自2008年实施以来,执法和司法机关在分析模式的适用上存在差异,导致同案不同判等有悖法制统一性的后果。选择恰当的反垄断法分析模式,应兼顾经济分析和法律形式主义两方面的可能贡献,在借鉴国外成熟制度经验的同时,充分考虑当前中国反垄断法制度构成、实施机关能力和经济分析供给状况等约束性条件,确保分析模式选择与经济分析的复杂程度、实施机关的专业水平以及经济活动参与者的守法成本等相互匹配。在制度设计上,应审慎解释立法目的条款,建立适合中国国情的行为类型化处理模式,规范全面分析的分析模式的适用,发挥举证责任分配规则的作用,完善分析模式相关的配套制度并提升公权机关实施法律的能力。 The modern analytical model of anti-monopoly law is a fundamental link in the law’s application.Since China’s Anti-Monopoly Law came into effect in 2008,judicial and law enforcement bodies have differed in their application of the law’s analytical model,leading to different judgements on the same kind of case.This runs counter to legal unity.In choosing an appropriate analytical model for anti-monopoly law,one should give consideration to the possible contributions of both economic analysis and legal formalism;and in drawing on mature institutional experience abroad,one should take into account such constraints as the structure of China’s contemporary anti-monopoly law system,the capacity of implementing agencies,and the status of the supply of economic analysis,so as to ensure a match between the degree of complexity of analytical model options and economic analysis;the level of professionalism in implementing institutions;and the cost of abiding by the law for participants in economic activities,etc.In terms of system design,we should carefully explain the clauses on the purpose of the legislation;set up a typological model suited to the Chinese situation for dealing with behavior;regularize the application of a complete analytical model;give full play to the principle of the distribution of the burden of proof;improve the relevant supporting systems;and improve the ability of agencies of public power to enforce the law.

关 键 词: 反垄断 反垄断法分析模式 经济分析 法律形式主义 法制统一性

分 类 号: [D922.294]

领  域: []


