作 者: ;
机构地区: 深圳大学
出 处: 《中国卫生经济》 2007年第10期 73-76,共4页
摘 要: 香港地区的医疗卫生制度由早期的慈善机构提供演进到现在比较完善的架构.其公平性与可及性受到赞誉。但医疗卫生总费用的上升、公共医疗的过度使用、医疗架构的分裂隔离等弊端也日益凸现。在一国两制的框架体系下.反思香港一百多年医疗卫生制度的变迁与实践,我们可以从香港医疗卫生服务的政府主导、“管办分离”、基层医疗卫生服务、农村及边远地区医疗卫生服务等方面得到有益启迪。 The health care system in Hong Kong has advanced from the earlier charity-based form to a better and more complete framework nowadays. Its justice and accessibility is gaining a good reputation. However, problems arise such as the increase in total health expenditure, the overuse of the public health, the separation of the medical framework. Under the political system of “one country, two systems” , we can gain helpful insights by reviewing the history of Hong Kong's health care system in the past century and by looking into such aspects as government's leading role in heath decisions, separation of management and administration, primary medical care services and medical care services in rural areas.
分 类 号: [R199]
领 域: []