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作  者: ;

机构地区: 深圳大学

出  处: 《广州体育学院学报》 2013年第1期54-57,共4页

摘  要: 近几届奥运会,我国竞技体育竞技实力格局发生了变化。主要采用数理统计法和逻辑分析法,从近几届我国代表团的金牌分布演变、奖牌分布演变、优势与潜优势项目演变等方面进行了分析。研究结果表明:1.金牌分布点逐渐增加;2.奖牌分布面更广;3.游泳成为金牌和奖牌的新增长点,已经成为重点优势发展项目;4.我国竞技体育整体竞技水平明显提高,优势项目和潜优势项目结构发生了调整。最后,结合我国竞技体育竞技实力格局嬗变现实情况.提出了几点思考。 The pattern evolution of competitive power of competitive sports in China has changed from the 27th to the 30th Olympic games. By using the methods of the mathematical statistics and logical analysis, the author has studied the changes of gold medal and medals, and the potential and talented projects. The results are the following. First, the distrihition points of gold medal gradually increased. Second, the distribition surface of medals are wider than before. Third, swimming, a key poten- tial project,becomes a new growth point of gold medal and medals. Fourth,the overall level of competitive sports in China has improved and the combination structure of the potential and talented projects has changed. Finally,some views on the develop- ment of competitive sports in China have been put forward based on the reality of the pattern evolution of competitive power of competitive sports.

关 键 词: 竞技体育 金牌分布 奖牌分布 优势与潜优势项目分布 竞技实力格局

分 类 号: [G812.6]

领  域: []


