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作  者: ;

机构地区: 深圳大学

出  处: 《河南社会科学》 2020年第1期32-42,共11页

摘  要: 为什么曾经强大的一党体制最终走向了终结?执政马来西亚61年的巫统及其政治联盟国民阵线,于2018年第14届大选中下台。现有的研究成果较为关注精英冲突、经济绩效以及信息工具的影响;而本研究认为应当从更为系统宏大的执政惰性视角认识巫统长期执政地位丧失的原因。执政惰性体现在长期执政的主导型政党执政危机意识淡薄、腐败根治能力缺乏以及精英流动固化与冲突等方面。长期执政的历史和优势,让巫统及其政治联盟国民阵线逐步丧失了政治危机感,形成系统性腐败并难以自我祛除,政党精英之间的冲突难以通过制度化程序加以化解。这一理论视角超越了就事论事的单因论,如内因论、外因论、结构论和精英论;同时也解构了一党主导体制走向衰落的深层原因。马来西亚的政党体制转型的案例,也从另外一个侧面印证了中国共产党加强自身建设的重要性。在一党长期执政情境下,执政党必须加强执政危机意识,克服执政惰性;必须提升政策调适能力,有效应对外部环境变化;增强自我净化能力,不断克服组织腐化;加强精英整合能力,防范内部分裂。 Why did the single-party dominant system in Malaysia eventually come to an end?In 2018,the United Malays National Organization(UMNO)and its political ally,National Front,having governed the country for 61 years long,were forced out of power in the 14th national election of the country.While current studies focus more on elite conflict,economic performance and the effect of information tools,this paper argues that UMNO’s Waterloo should be viewed through a more systematic and macro perspective,i.e.,ruling party inertia,which is reflected in various dimensions of the dominant party that governs the country for a long term,including the unawareness of regime crisis,the insufficient ability of combating corruption,elite solidification and elite conflict.Because of its advantage of being in power for a long period,UMNO and the National Front had gradually become insensitive to political crisis.Moreover,it had failed to get rid of systematic corruption and resolve the conflict between party elites through formal institutions.The theory of ruling party inertia provides insights into the fading of single-party dominant system in Malaysia,going beyond the single factor analysis,external factor analysis,structural analysis and elite theory.The case of Malaysia’s political party system transformation also confirms the importance of the Chinese Communist Party to strengthen its own construction from another aspect.In a one-party system,the ruling party should strengthen its awareness of the ruling crisis and overcome governing inertia.It should enhance its policy adaptation and effectively respond to environment changes,enhance its self-purification ability and continuously overcome organizational corruption,strengthen its elite integration capabilities and prevent internal division.

关 键 词: 执政惰性 一党主导制 政党适应性 精英整合

分 类 号: [D52]

领  域: []


