作 者: ;
机构地区: 深圳大学
出 处: 《励耘语言学刊》 2015年第1期224-240,共17页
摘 要: 黄侃和杨树达作为近代语言学转型时期的见证者和实践者,其训诂学既有体现他们时代背景的略同之处,也有各自的特点。文章从广义训诂学的角度,比较黄、杨二氏在训诂学体系、汉字形义理论、形音义关系、声训研究、新训诂学、方言研究、《说文》之学等七个方面的理论与实践。 As the witnesses and practitioners during the period of linguistic transformation,“Huang Kan”(黄侃) and“Yang Shu da”(杨树达)have some similarities related the background of that times and their own characteristics on exegetical studies. This paper compares their exegetical theories and practices in the following seven aspects on generalized exegetical perspective, such as exegetics systems, theories of the relationship between Chinese characters’ forms and meanings, studies on the relationship between sound and meaning, etymology studies, dialect researches, studies on“Shuo Wen Jie Zi”(《说文解字》).
分 类 号: [S792.11]
领 域: []