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作  者: ;

机构地区: 深圳大学

出  处: 《图书馆杂志》 2017年第12期115-120,共6页

摘  要: 历史悠久、文献丰赡、成就巨大,是历代避讳学研究的重要特点。先秦至明代的避讳学文献,虽丰富但述而不作,以著录历朝讳例、讳法为主;清代的避讳学文献对现代避讳学的形成,有开启之功;近人陈垣的《史讳举例》首次建立了避讳学的学科体系,是现代避讳学形成的标志;《史讳举例》以降的避讳学文献最为丰赡,现代避讳学应用研究文献空间广阔,大有可为。 Studies of taboo in China have a long history, yielding fruitful results and there are a large number of research literature. From Pre-Qin period to the Ming dynasty, scholars have collected a lot of taboo materials but not to create. Studies of taboo in the Qing dynasty have enlightening influence on modem studies of taboo. Through Examples to Study the Chinese Taboo by Mr. Chen Yuan marks the formation of the modem taboo and has constructed the modem taboo studies system for the first time. In modem times, the taboo studies have made great achievements and we should strengthen the research of application of taboo.

关 键 词: 避讳 避讳学 文献学

分 类 号: [G256]

领  域: []


