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作  者: ;

机构地区: 嘉应学院

出  处: 《山东体育学院学报》 2016年第4期60-64,共5页

摘  要: 武术文化是我国独具特色的文化资源,在我国,少林武术、峨眉武术、武当武术是其典型代表。研究立足地域武术文化品牌的构建,在系统梳理峨眉武术的基础上,提出了“五位一体”的品牌化发展战略。即:1)建立以国家级非物质文化遗产为平台的“峨眉武术”品牌;2)建立自然景观与峨眉武术文化景观相得益彰的“特色旅游”品牌;3)建立致力于提高人们生活品质的“峨眉武术休闲、健身、养生”品牌;4)建立具有浓郁巴蜀特色的“峨眉地域武术文化”品牌;5)建立服务于区域经济的“峨眉武术文化产业”品牌。 Martial arts culture is the unique cultural resources in our country.In our country,the Sha-olin martial arts,Emei martial arts,Wudang martial arts is the typical representative.This research based on the construction of regional martial arts culture brand and the system combing Emei martial arts,put forward the development strategy of"five one".Namely:1 )Establish a state-level non-material cultural heritage as a platform of"Emei martial arts"brand;2)Establish a natural scenery and Emei martial arts culture bring out the best in each other's"special tourism"brand;3)Establish a dedicated to improve people's quality of life of"Emei martial art leisure,fitness,health"brand;4)Establish a team with strong bashu characteristics of"Emei regional martial arts culture"brand;5 )Establish the brand for serving the regional economy "Emei martial arts culture industry".

关 键 词: 地域武术 品牌 峨眉武术

分 类 号: [G852]

领  域: []


