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作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学

出  处: 《南京大学法律评论》 2009年第2期3-17,共15页

摘  要: 改革开放以来,我国宏观经济出现了七次比较明显的波动,与此相对应,经历了七次比较大的宏观调控。从调控手段和做法来看,前15年,整个宏观经济的波动幅度非常大,波动周期非常短,调控宏观经济习惯运用行政手段、指令性计划的方式;后15年,宏观经济波动明显趋缓,波动的周期拉长,宏观经济调控方式逐步转为法治化和市场化的调控。宏观调控的法治化是历史发展的必然趋势,通过对我国宏观调控30年的体系化梳理,提出了宏观调控的民主化、科学化和法治化理念更新并探讨了宏观调控法的整合路径。 Since the reform and opening up,China has experienced seven Macro-control, accompanied by seven macroeconomic fluctuations.In respect of control methods and practices,during the first 15 years,the macroeconomic fluctuations were very wide while the business cycles were very short,the methods of Macro-control were administrative means and mandatory plans;during the late 15 years,the macroeconomic fluctuations slowed down while the business cycles became longer,the methods of Macro-control turned to be governed by law and intersets-oritented.Macro-control by law is the inevitable trend of the times.By recalling China's 30 -year macro-control history,this article points out that the Macro-control should be democratized,put on a scientific basis and governed by law,and approache the path of Macro-control law's integration.

关 键 词: 宏观调控 宏观调控法 宏观调控法治化

分 类 号: [F124]

领  域: []


