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Residents' Awareness and Requirements for the Third-party Mediation Mechanism for Medical Disputes

作  者: ;

机构地区: 南方医科大学

出  处: 《中国全科医学》 2017年第16期2007-2011,共5页

摘  要: 目的了解居民对第三方调解机构的认知与需求。方法于2016年4—5月,通过网络平台和社区方便抽样向460例居民发放调查问卷。问卷由课题组自行设计,主要内容包括居民的人口学资料、居民对第三方调解机构的态度、居民对医疗纠纷人民调解委员会(医调委)工作的建议。结果共回收有效问卷414份,问卷有效回收率为90.0%。其中,37.0%(153/414)的居民未听过第三方调解机构;50.0%(207/414)的居民听过第三方调节机构,但不清楚具体内容;11.8%(49/414)的居民知道第三方调解机构可以解决医患纠纷,也知道医调委为第三方调解机构;1.2%(5/414)的居民知道第三方调解机构并对其有所研究。≤30岁居民对第三方调解机构的知晓度低于31~50岁居民,无医患纠纷经历居民对第三方调解机构的知晓度低于有医患纠纷经历居民,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。62.1%(257/414)的居民赞同通过第三方调解机构调解医患纠纷,78.3%(324/414)的居民担心调解员与医院建立长期合作关系。28.5%(118/414)的居民倾向于由卫生行政部门主持第三方调解,53.4%(221/414)的居民认为经济来源最好来源于政府财政拨款,73.2%(303/414)的居民认为医患双方当面对质、公开调解是最佳调解程序。在不选择第三方调解机构的原因中,62.8%(260/414)的居民认为宣传力度不够、公众知晓度低,43.2%(179/414)的居民认为调解不够中立、公正。结论居民对第三方调解机制的知晓度较低,进行简要介绍后大部分居民赞同该机制。居民更信任当面对质的调解形式,希望经费来源于政府财政拨款,不信任第三方调解机构的原因集中于宣传力度低、对中立性有质疑、调解结果缺乏履行保障等。建议有针对性地加强宣传、提高队伍素质并完善回避制度、规范主体性质并形成稳定经费来源、以特殊民事合同形式明确法律效力、建立医疗责任保险赔偿机制。 Objective To investigate the residents′ awareness and requirements for the third-party mediation mechanism for medical disputes(hereinafter referred to as TMMMD).Methods In April and May 2016,using convenience sampling,460 residents in Guangzhou were sampled to attend the online survey or field survey via a self-developed questionnaire covering the aspects of the demographic data,attitude toward the TMMMD and suggestions to the People′s Conciliation Committee for Medical Disputes(PCCMD).Results About 90.0%(414/460) of the respondents who responded the survey effectively were selected as the final participants.Among them,37.0%(153/414) had not heard of the TMMMD,50.0%(207/414) heard of it,but did not know the details,11.8%(49/414) knew that it can conciliate the medical disputes and knew that the PCCMD is a kind of TMMMD,only 1.2%(5/414) deeply understood it;residents aged ≤30 had lower awareness of the TMMMD than those aged 31~50(P〈0.05);residents with the experience of medical disputes had higher awareness of the TMMMD than those without(P〈0.05);62.1%(257/414)were in favor of conciliating the medical disputes by the TMMMD;78.3%(324/414)worried that the conciliator might build long-term cooperation with the hospital and favor the hospital when settling the disputes;28.5%(118/414)preferred the members from health administrative departments to conciliate the medical disputes;53.4%(221/414)thought that it would be the best if the expense for conciliating medical disputes was financed by the government;73.2%(303/414) considered that the best procedure for conciliating medical disputes was face-to-face confrontation between doctors and patients in publicly conciliating;in terms of the causes associated with unchoosing the TMMMD,62.8%(260/414) hold that the public awareness for the TMMMD was weak due to poor publicity,and 43.2%(179/414) were inclined to that the conciliation conducted by it was unneutral and unfair.Conclusion In the participants,

关 键 词: 医生病人关系 第三方调解机制 认知 需求

领  域: []


作者 于宏
作者 胡洁怡
作者 刘梅芳
作者 黎雅妍
作者 肖柳珍


机构 广东行政学院法学系
机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学资讯管理学院资讯管理系
机构 南方医科大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
