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作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南农业大学

出  处: 《中国土地科学》 2009年第8期51-57,共7页

摘  要: 研究目的:为县级土地利用总体规划修编和农村居民点规划、整合提供依据。研究方法:根据影响居民点空间布局因素的限制程度,应用ArcGIS各功能,结合相关分析、统计分析等编制城乡居民点用地综合限制等级图;从土地规划需要和佛冈县实际情况出发,将佛冈县划分为5类可转为居民点用地的优先等级区;应用城乡居民点用地优先等级区,结合人口和人均用地状况,对居民点空间格局进行优化。研究结果:确定了佛冈县2020年各镇城乡居民点空间格局优化方案。研究结论:佛冈县2020年各镇用地扩展方式和途径不尽相同;各地区在编制和应用居民点综合限制等级图时,可根据当地的实际情况确定各限制因子及其权重。 The purpose of this paper is to provide scientific references for the revision of general land use planning at county level, and also for the location integrating in making the rural residential lands use planning. According to the limitation of the factors influencing the allocation of residential lands, the authors develop a comprehensive graph on the limitation level of urban and rural residential land by using ArcGIS, combined with correlation analysis, statistical analysis and so on. Secondly, Fogang county is divided into five categories of priority rank areas which can be turned into residential land pursuant to the land use plan, and actual demand in Fogang county. Thirdly, the authors use the priority areas in combination with situation of population and land use per person to optimize the spatial distribution of residential area. Result shows that the optimization scheme of spatial allocation of urban and rural residential land in Fogang county in 2020 can be obtained. The authors conclude that the models and ways of land development vary in different towns of Fogang county in 2020. Thus, it is appropriate for local government to decide limiting factors andtheir weight in terms of actual circumstances when preparing and using comprehensive limiting level graph of residential area.

关 键 词: 土地规划 空间格局 ARCGIS 居民点 限制因素

分 类 号: [F301.23]

领  域: []


