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作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南农业大学

出  处: 《长江流域资源与环境》 2019年第1期112-121,共10页

摘  要: 传粉作为重要的生态系统服务之一,对维持野生植物群落和粮食生产至关重要。近年来随着全球农业投入迅速增加,耕地利用集约化程度大幅提高,昆虫传粉能力受到严重影响。由于全世界约2/3的主要粮食作物依赖传粉服务,因此传粉服务的下降将威胁着全球粮食安全。然而,传粉服务与耕地利用集约水平的相互关系有待在全球各地区进行进一步验证,尤其在中国这种农业大国。以鄱阳湖滨湖区典型村落为研究对象,基于高精度土地利用数据、传粉蜜蜂生物物理数据、区域社会经济以及实地调研数据,采用InVEST模型、GIS分析工具、数理统计和回归分析方法。定量揭示小尺度上耕地集约利用与蜜蜂传粉服务之间的权衡关系。结果显示:(1)研究村落2000年和2013年蜜蜂传粉服务丰度平均值分别为0. 127和0. 108,期间下降幅度为15. 50%。总体上,研究村落蜜蜂传粉服务有较明显的削弱。(2)受退耕还林、退田还湖以及耕地撂荒等因素的综合影响,研究村落耕地利用区域减少了37. 66 hm~2,约占村落土地总面积的13. 55%。但由于农药、化肥、机械以及劳动力等投入的增加,该村各耕地利用类型的集约度分值均有大幅度提高,增幅均高达2倍以上。(3)耕地利用集约度变化与蜜蜂传粉服务变化回归系数为-0. 164,两者呈负相关关系,也即两者之间存在此消彼长的权衡关系。研究村落耕地利用集约度的提高削弱了蜜蜂传粉服务功能。 Pollination service is one of the most important ecosystem service for preserving wild plant communities and support agricultural production. Growing demand for food and corresponding intensification of agricultural production has widely been recognized a major threat to pollination services provided by insects. Since two-thirds of the world’s major food crops are pollinator-dependent. The decreasing of pollination service will lead big threads of food security. However, the correlations between ecosystem pollination services and land intensification should be verified in all over the world,especially in big agriculture country such as China. In this study,we investigate correlations between ecosystem pollination services and land intensification in village scale.We selected a village in the Poyang Lake region in Eastern China to analysis land use change impacts on pollination services for the period of three years( 2000-2013). We used high-accuracy land use data,pollinating bees’ biophysical data,districts’ social economy and the data from field investigation. For the impact analysis,we employed the 'Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Trade-offs-InVEST'model,a GIS-based tool,in combination with regression analysis to quantify the relationship between pollination service and land use intensities. Result showed that( i) the case study village received an average pollination service abundance rate of0. 127 and 0. 108 respectively while the average pollination service abundance decreasedby15. 5% during 2000-2013,( ii) farm land at the village level was reduced by 13. 5% whereas farm investments for pesticides,chemical fertilizers and labor forces doubled during the same time of period,and( iii) regression coefficient analysis shows a negative correlation between land intensification and pollination service abundance of-0. 164.That also means the there is as trade-off correlations between pollination services and intensification of agricultural production. Based on our results,we conclude that the l

关 键 词: 蜜蜂传粉服务 耕地利用集约水平 村落 权衡

分 类 号: [S897.3]

领  域: []


